The Association expands partnership with the scientific community

Cooperation agreements were signed with the Arctic State Agrotechnological University (ASATU) and the V.N. Sukachev of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The partnership between the «Russian Forest» Association and scientific and educational institutions is aimed at popularizing the principle of responsible forest management, as well as promoting modern technologies in the use, restoration and conservation of forests. «Responsible environmental management is an integrated approach that combines environmental, social and economic aspects. Joint work with educational institutions and research centers on their basis allows combining research and scientific potential with the practical tasks of industry participants. Thus, we form a unified position of science and business on the development of the forestry complex. We are glad that the leading universities and research centers of the industry share our vision and are open to dialogue», — comments Andrey Goncharov, Vice President of the Association.
ASATU is the leading specialized university of the largest «forest» region of the country - Yakutia. At ASATU, current and future specialists of timber industry enterprises are trained and retrained, personnel are trained.
Forest Institute named after V.N. Sukachev Institute of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences is the oldest academic forestry institution in Russia. Research areas include forestry, forestry, forestry, genetics and breeding, ecology, microbiology, physiology and biochemistry of woody plants, bioinformatics and others.