VI Timber Industry Forum of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
On May 30, the 6th Forestry Forum was held at the Arctic State Agrotechnological University (AGATU) in Yakutia. Its key topic is “Modern technologies: Quality. Competitiveness. Efficiency". The Russian Timber Association was represented at the event by its first vice-president Andrey Goncharov.
Representatives of the scientific and business community discussed issues of personnel training for the forestry industry, as well as improving the safety of working conditions, compensatory restoration, the investment attractiveness of the industry, modern equipment and IT solutions for forestry.
Andrey Goncharov, First Vice-President of the Russian Timber Association: “Despite external factors, investments in the Russian timber industry in 2022–2023 show positive results. According to Rosstat, investments in the fixed capital of timber industry enterprises in 2023 reached 183.6 billion rubles, which is even higher than the successful year 2021, when this figure amounted to 181.4 billion rubles. With the departure of Western players, opportunities are opening up in the Russian market in promising areas for a number of products that were previously imported from Europe. Investments may be related to deep wood processing products with a high share of added value and environmentally friendly technologies. Now the Russian timber industry is one of the most profitable business sectors. The payback period for projects in the sawmill industry is on average 5–7 years.”.
The forum is traditionally attended by representatives of leading companies - manufacturers of equipment in the forestry industry, heads of forestry enterprises, as well as representatives of relevant authorities, government organizations of the republic and other regions.