The Federation Council discussed the legal regulation of some issues of economic activity of loggers

On February 13, a meeting was held at the Federation Council Committee on Agricultural and Food Policy and Environmental Management under the leadership of the first deputy chairman of the committee, Oleg Kuvshinnikov. The Russian Timber Association was represented by its first vice-president Andrey Goncharov, who also heads the SUPPORT OF RUSSIA Commission on the forestry complex.

The topic of the meeting was a discussion of the legal regulation of issues of compensation for damage to wildlife as a result of the economic activities of logging companies.

Meeting participants noted that in the regions it is necessary to create a sustainable practice of collecting from forest users who harvest timber in accordance with forest lease agreements, forest development projects and forestry regulations for damage caused to hunting resources. Calculation of the amount of harm is carried out according to the methodology approved by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation.

Oleg Kuvshinnikov, First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Agricultural and Food Policy and Environmental Management: “Our task is to find a balance in the legal regulation of the use, protection, protection, reproduction of forests and the conservation, reproduction of hunting resources, wildlife objects and their habitats. To do this, it is necessary, with the participation of the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Prosecutor General's Office, forest users, and leading experts, to analyze industry legislation and law enforcement practice, assess the sufficiency of measures to preserve wildlife and their habitats, and develop a set of additional measures.".

Based on the results of the meeting, proposals were made on the possibility of making changes to the methodology that protects the interests of conscientious loggers, as well as possible clarifications to environmental legislation.