Council of Regions "SUPPORTS OF RUSSIA" and Entrepreneurship Day

On February 26, the Council of Regions “OPORA RUSSIA” and the Association “NP “OPORA” started, which will last for three days. The Russian Timber Association is represented by its first vice-president Andrey Goncharov, who also heads the SUPPORT OF RUSSIA Commission on the forestry complex.

At the Council of Regions, speakers have already discussed the work plan for 2024, preparations for the SUPPORT OF RUSSIA congress, the participation of regional branches in expert work and improving the profile rating, as well as the effectiveness of industry committees and commissions.

On the second day, attention was focused on Entrepreneurship Day, which took place as part of the exhibition-forum “Russia” at VDNKh. The central event was the plenary session “Entrepreneurship in Russia: Achievements of the Sector,” in which First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Andrei Belousov took part. The discussion was moderated by Minister of Economic Development Maxim Reshetnikov.

Andrey Belousov announced the main results of the work of ministries and departments at the International Exhibition and Forum “Russia” and presented a large report on the state of the sector. In his speech, he drew attention to the fact that over the past 20 years our country, economy and industry have changed, social and other spheres have reached a new, advanced level of development. The First Deputy Prime Minister also emphasized that the agricultural sector of the Russian Federation has become a leading one in the world economy.

Minister of Economic Development Maxim Reshetnikov spoke in more detail about business development in his report. He noted the rapid economic recovery thanks to the joint work of business and government, prompt feedback, and developed support infrastructure. Small and medium-sized businesses played a key role in this.

Over the past seven years, the number of operating companies has amounted to 6.3 million legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, and new enterprises have increased by 17%. In recent years, the number of self-employed people has also been growing: there are now over 9.3 million. The main industries in which SMEs are actively developing are tourism, the service sector and logistics. Thanks to the rapid development and improvement of support tools, the business continues to invest and has begun to more actively combine support measures and work more closely with regional teams.