Happy Day of Forest and Wood Processing Industry Workers

On behalf of the Russian Forest Association, we congratulate our friends and colleagues on their professional holiday - Day of Forest Workers and Wood Processing Industry!

Forest is the national wealth of Russia, which requires the most careful treatment and rational use. This year marks ten years since the Russian Forest Association has been working to create favorable conditions for the development of the forestry complex for the effective functioning of the economy, social and environmental security of the country. Our efforts are aimed at popularizing the principle of responsible forest management and promoting modern technologies in the field of forest restoration and conservation, increasing the transparency of the industry, and improving the regulatory legal acts of the forestry complex. One of the areas of the Association’s work in the field of reforestation is the Russian Forest nursery, which is able to provide planting material to enterprises not only in the Irkutsk region, but also beyond its borders. Its capacity is up to 15 million seedlings per year.

Despite these difficult times for the forestry industry, the main thing is to remember that difficulties are overcome thanks to effective dialogue between business and government. The industry remains attractive to investors; new priority investment projects are emerging for the development of the forestry complex. The Russian Forest Association has been successfully cooperating with the Irkutsk region for a long time, helping to develop such projects. The drivers of industry growth in the region are eight existing priority investment projects in the field of forest development, three of them are members of the Russian Forest association. As part of these projects, modern factories with the latest equipment are being created to produce a wide range of advanced wood processing products intended for the domestic market and export.

And all this is impossible without people, real professionals who truly love their job. After all, only the coordinated work of specialists gives confidence that our forest is in good hands!

Olga Kalyuzhnaya,
President of the Russian Forest Association