Labor market in the forest industry: results for 2023

According to Rosstat, at the end of 2023, employee incomes increased in all industries - both in nominal and real terms. Salaries in the forestry industry increased by 8.6% over the year.

Summary data on the results of the labor market in the timber industry for 2023 was published by the service for selecting vacancies and employees HeadHunter:

  • Russian companies posted almost 64,000 vacancies in the forest industry over the year. Year on year, their number increased by 35%.
  • Regions are leaders in demand for new workers in the timber industry in 2023: Moscow - more than 9,000 vacancies (15% of the total vacancies in the industry), Moscow region - 7,600 (12%), St. Petersburg - 5,500 (8.7%).
  • The following regions showed the maximum increase in the number of vacancies: Sverdlovsk (+79%), Leningrad (+63%), Moscow (+56%), Rostov (+56%) and Novosibirsk (+53%).
  • Regions are leaders in terms of wages: Moscow (80–160 thousand rubles), St. Petersburg (63–114 thousand rubles), Moscow region (63–103 thousand rubles), Krasnoyarsk Territory ( 57–103 thousand rubles), Sverdlovsk region (56–102 thousand rubles), Nizhny Novgorod region (50–100 thousand rubles).
  • Among the most in-demand professions are customer managers (11% of total vacancies), design engineers (6%), as well as turners, mechanics, drivers, general workers, welders, machine operators, electricians, machinists and packers. specialists note that in 2023, every fifth vacancy in the timber industry was available to applicants without experience in the profession, while the number of offers for part-time employment increased by 8%.

Andrey Goncharov, first vice-president of the Russian Timber association: “There are traditionally more vacancies in the timber industry than there are applicants. The business itself takes an active part in resolving personnel issues. So, last year, the Segezha Pulp and Paper Mill and the Petrozavodsk Forestry Technical School signed a cooperation agreement, within the framework of which the parties are implementing joint training programs, the Buryat Polytechnic College, together with the Selenga Pulp and Cardboard Mill, organized the Baikal educational cluster of accelerated learning. An educational and production cluster “ProfiProm” was created in Arkhangelsk to train personnel for the forestry industry, and in Moscow - an Industry Competence Center.