«Russian Forest» signed an agreement with the Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education «Bratsk State University»

This was announced by vice president of the Association of Timber Manufacturers Sergey Pakhalyuk.
«We took a long time to sign this agreement, — said Pakhalyuk. — BrSU is one of the largest university complexes in the northern region of Siberia. The Association is fully committed to developing human resources in the forest sector. We believe that interaction with relevant universities is the first step towards joint action in this direction. I myself took professional retraining and advanced training courses at BrSU and I can say with confidence that research in the field of the forest sector based on the forestry department is fundamental and provides training for specialists of all levels for forestry. I am sure that this agreement will help develop practical proposals on sustainable forest management and the conservation of biodiversity in forest management. We will work on the promotion and dissemination of the principles of environmentally responsible nature management, because the introduction of artificial reforestation is a priority for the association».