Plenary session of the Congress of OPORA RUSSIA leaders in Suzdal with the participation of the Governor of the Vladimir Region

September 5–7, Suzdal hosts a congress of leaders of OPORA RUSSIA and the Association NP OPORA. The Russian Forest Association is represented at the event by its First Vice-President Andrey Goncharov, who also heads the OPORA RUSSIA Commission for the forest complex.

September 6, within the framework of the congress, a plenary session was held with the participation of the Governor of the Vladimir Region Alexander Avdeev, dedicated to the development of the tourism industry in the country, moderated by Alexander Kalinin, President of OPORA RUSSIA. Heads of federal and regional authorities, entrepreneurs and representatives of business communities discussed issues related to the development of tourism, from the possibilities of digital platforms and land use to the tourism potential of specific regions.

Alexander Kalinin noted that entrepreneurs want to invest in domestic and inbound tourism, but the support of federal and regional authorities and business development institutions is important here.

The Government of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Economic Development are doing a lot of work to transform the tourism industry, which is traditionally occupied by small businesses. In the first six months of 2023 alone, the number of tourist trips in Russia increased by 17%, the volume of investments in the industry in 2022 amounted to more than 530 billion rubles. This growth was achieved through the implementation of the national project "Tourism and Hospitality Industry", as well as the synergy of other support measures and investment programs.

  • Issues of tourism in specially protected natural areas were discussed last year at a meeting of OPORA RUSSIA with Minister of Natural Resources Alexander Kozlov and at the XIII International Forum "Ecology", and were also touched upon by the President of the Russian Federation at a meeting with members of the RSPP in March of this year .
  • The tourism industry and rural tourism are one of the promising areas where wooden housing construction can be in demand.
  • The organization of recreation and tourism now accounts for about 4% of income from the use of forests.

In addition to the already existing support measures, the meeting participants noted the need to stimulate investment lending to the hotel business. The business has a large demand for scaling, which means that special financial support is needed in the form of umbrella guarantees specifically for the construction of hotels.

September 7, within the framework of the congress program, business events will be held, including the OPORA RUSSIA Council of Regions. Leaders and members of the business association from various regions will discuss the internal development of the organization, as well as plans for the rest of the year.