Results of the congress of leaders of “SUPPORT OF RUSSIA” in Suzdal

The congress of leaders of OPORA RUSSIA and the Association NP OPORA in the Vladimir region ended on September 7 with the Council of Regions. The Russian Forest Association was represented at the event by its first vice-president Andrey Goncharov, who also heads the OPORA RUSSIA Commission for the forest complex.

The management team of the business association, including representatives of various regions of the Russian Federation, discussed the internal development of the organization and work plans until the end of the year. Key topics on the agenda include the development of the mentoring institution, expansion of the international agenda, organization and participation in the country's largest business events, as well as other issues.

Alexander Kalinin, President of OPORA RUSSIA: “We need to focus on the development of local branches so that our entrepreneurs are active not only in regional centers, but also in all municipalities of the country. It is also important to develop the institution of mentoring and help entrepreneurs scale their business, find new partners and colleagues - this is one of the key tasks of the organization.”.

We would like to remind you that the Council of Regions “SUPPORTS OF RUSSIA” is a traditional platform for business associations for the interaction of businesses from various regions with representatives of government authorities, business support infrastructure, the banking sector and other participants in the business community. For example, in May of this year, within the framework of the forum dedicated to the Day of Russian Entrepreneurship, the Council of Regions discussed incentives for investment activity of small and medium-sized businesses - they were later considered by the Government Commission for the Development of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises.