Results of the III Federal Forum Smart Forest 2024

On October 8, the III Federal Forum on Digitalization and IT in the Forestry Complex Smart Forest 2024 was held in St. Petersburg, organized by the ComNews Information Group.

The forum was supported by the general industry partner — Ilim Group “ and strategic partners: Segezha Group, Sveza Company, JSC Volga, Karelia Pulp LLC, VLP Group of Companies JSC.

The official partners were the public cloud platform Yandex Cloud and Yandex 360 for business. The partners of the session were PROTEI Technologies LLC and JSC Unicon AP.

The forum also took place with the participation of ELZ Forest Tech LLC.
PROTEI Technologies LLC and Polygon Software Center LLC presented their solutions at the digital technology exhibition.

Information support for the forum was provided by industry unions and associations: LESTECH Association of Manufacturers of Machinery and Equipment for the Forestry Complex, Digital Economy ANO, Russian Forest National Association of Forest Industrialists, All-Russian Public Organization All-Russian Society for Nature Conservation, Timber Processing Industry Cluster Association (Lesprom Association), Big Data Association (ABD), National Association of Robotics Market Participants (NAURR), Community of Digital Managers "I-IT-y", Center for Eurasian Cooperation (Association of Businesses of the Eurasian Region), All-Russian Public Organization for the Protection and Defense of Natural Resources "Russian Ecological Society", Non-Commercial Partnership RUSSOFT, Agency WhatWood, National Forestry Agency for Development and Investment (NLARI) and the International Academy of Communications (IAC).

The forum opened with a plenary session "Digital Transformation of the Forestry Complex". The moderator was Leonid Konik, CEO of — Editor-in-Chief, ComNews.

Experts took part in the discussion: Alexander Tambi, Head of the Association "LESTECH", Oleg Glushenkov, Director of the Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Roslesinforg" — “Zaplesproekt”, Nikita Marchenko, Director of “Sveza SmartLine”, Kirill Verevochkin, Head of the “GREENIndustry” Project, General Director of “ASP” LLC, Irina Pirogova, Vice President for Information Technology, Ilim Group, Ruslan Gulevich, Director for Digital Technology Development, Ilim Group, Igor Kozlov, General Director, “Segezha Digital Solutions”, Managing Director for Information Technology and Process Automation, Segezha Group (PJSC “Segezha Group”), Andrey Karpilovich, Director of Special Projects, All-Russian Public Organization, “All-Russian Society for Nature Conservation”, and Mikhail Kvurt, Director of Agricultural Sector Projects, JSC “GLONASS”. Experts discussed the implementation of the FGIS LK in 2025 and programs and strategies for the development of IT and digital technologies for forestry companies.

Nikolay Belyaev, senior expert at StepChange Consulting SA, moderated Session 1 “Innovative technologies and digital solutions for forestry companies”.

The session was attended by the following speakers: Maxim Korolev, Director of Information Security at Segezha Group (PJSC Segezha Group) with the topic of "Ensuring Information Security in the Context of Technological Sovereignty", Diana Aleksandrova, Head of Key Account Management in Heavy Industry at Yandex.Cloud LLC (Yandex Cloud), and Alexander Pirozhkov, Head of the Discrete Production Industry Division at Yandex LLC (Yandex 360 for Business) with the topic of "Yandex: Technologies in Action", Pavel Filippov, Head of the ACS Group at Protey TL LLC with the topic of "Digitalization of Enterprise Logistics Using the IIoT Platform PromUC", Anton Kuchin, Director of ELZ Forest Tech LLC with the topic “Pros and Cons of Developing Your Own Digitalization System for a Logging Enterprise” and Alexey Gavrichkov, Head of Business Analytics and Innovations, Unicon AP JSC with the topic “When Robots Are Definitely More Profitable Than Programming”.

Session 2 “Innovative Technologies and Digital Solutions for the Forestry Complex” was held by Vitaly Lipsky, General Director of the National Forestry Development and Investment Agency.

The following delivered presentations: Alexander Ivanov, Product Owner, Severstal Infocom JSC with the topic “Reliability” Software. Integrated IT Solution for Maintenance and Repair”, Alexey Panasov, Head of Commercial Department, Gonets Satellite System JSC with the topic "Use of satellite communication systems of the State Corporation "Roscosmos" in the interests of the logging industry", Ksenia Karakchieva, Director of Operations Management of LLC "Ilimsky Linear Technological Communications Node" (LLC "Ilimsky LTUS") with the topic "PKK "KEDR" - M2M solution for collecting, transmitting and analyzing data from logging equipment", Sergey Vorontsov, Head of the Development Department of LLC "GLONASS-SERVICE" with the topic "Transition to FGIS LK. Equipping equipment with ASN within the framework of legislation", Dmitry Tretyak, technical expert of Galileosky with the topic "Monitoring the operation of special equipment - diagnostics of faults via CAN".

The final session 3 was held in the format of the discussion "Foresight: Technological sovereignty and sustainable development of the forestry complex". The session was moderated by Ivan Kozlov, Director of Development of the Club "IT-Dialogue".

The discussion was attended by: Valentin Emelin, Head of the Information Technology and Automation Department, Forest Resources Branch of JSC Segezha Pulp and Paper Mill (Segezha Group), Roman Viktorov, Deputy CEO for IT, Karelia Pulp LLC, Artem Ryzhov, IT specialist, Karellesprom LHK JSC, Maxim Korolev, Information Security Director, Segezha Group (Segezha Group PJSC), Andrey Karpilovich, Director of Special Projects, All-Russian Public Organization, All-Russian Society for Nature Conservation, Anna Mikhailova, Head of the Educational Program, Business Analytics and Digital Transformation, Head of the Advertising and Public Relations Department, S.M. Kirov Saint Petersburg State Forest Engineering University (S.M. Kirov Saint Petersburg State Forest Engineering University), Ruslan Gulevich, Director of Digital Technologies Development, Ilim Group. The experts discussed the possibilities of implementing “Industry 4.0” in the industry and the development of digital technologies in the forestry industry in the coming years.

ComNews IG thanks all partners, speakers, moderators and participants of the forum #SmartForest2024!