The future of green construction in Russia

In Russia and the world, society is increasingly concerned about current and future climate change, and people are beginning to choose environmentally friendly construction options. The topic of “green” construction is becoming increasingly relevant. The government and consumers are interested in increasing the number of homes that have minimal impact on the environment.

Advantages of “green” construction

When discussing environmentally friendly construction technologies, the first place is always given to the use of safe materials produced from renewable natural resources. Important aspects are their low thermal conductivity, which reduces energy consumption for heating or cooling the house, as well as the speed of construction and the absence of contamination of the site during the construction process. There are more than 120,000 buildings worldwide that are certified to various green standards.

In Russia there is a national standard GREEN ZOOM. By the beginning of 2024, 216 buildings had received the certificate. Soon, more than 2,500 houses will appear in our country that meet the “green” criterion of GOST R 70346-2022 - this is 27% of the housing stock under construction. The majority of “green” housing is now being built in Moscow, St. Petersburg, the Moscow, Sverdlovsk and Tyumen regions.

Obstacles to a green future and ways to overcome them

Today, the construction of energy-efficient buildings costs 10–15% more, but the additional costs are recouped through savings on operation. Energy consumption of such buildings is reduced by 25%, and water consumption by 30%.

The “green” segment includes not only premium lines, but also economical options that are not inferior in quality to standard requirements. Industrial technologies also contribute to the development of “green” construction. Thus, companies produce house kits with high energy efficiency qualities. The cost can also be reduced by training specialists in new energy-saving technologies and using such methods in design and construction.

Prospects for “green” construction in Russia

From November 1, 2022, the national standard for “green” construction of residential multi-apartment buildings GOST R, developed by the Ministry of Construction together with "DOM.RF". The document contains 81 evaluation criteria, including site layout, environmental safety, energy efficiency and waste control. To receive a certificate, a home must meet at least 16 points. In 2024, it is planned to approve GOST for major repairs of old buildings.

In the context of the development of green technologies, two main areas can be distinguished: construction and engineering support for the house.

Among the available “green” technologies, wooden houses can be distinguished. These include houses made of solid timber, half-timbered and wooden frame buildings. They all use a renewable resource - wood.

In the field of engineering support, the most in demand are technologies for the industrial production of ready-made energy-efficient house kits, which include frame-panel technology. It is also worth noting heat recovery systems, the use of heat pumps for heating, wastewater treatment and recycling.