Timber companies affected by sanctions received 6 billion rubles of federal support

As part of a working visit to the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Maxim Reshetnikov held a meeting on the development of the timber industry complex in the region. According to the minister, the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, industry departments and regions, on behalf of Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, have developed additional measures to support companies. They are already helping businesses adapt to new conditions.

Maxim Reshetnikov, Head of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation: “The Krasnoyarsk Territory is a pivotal region for the entire forest industry. One seventh of the national timber reserves are concentrated here, which is why we pay such attention to the development of this industry. Firstly, they allowed the export of timber through several automobile checkpoints on the border with Kazakhstan, as well as by rail through any checkpoints bordering the EAEU states. This made it possible to increase the supply of Russian products abroad. Secondly, they gave the regions the opportunity to determine the amount of rent for forest plots based on the actual harvesting of timber. And finally, we set a high priority for the export of timber products by rail”.

In addition, to compensate for the cost of transportation for the supply of all types of forest products, the maximum subsidy limit has been increased - from 300 to 500 million rubles. These measures are designed to help businesses maintain financial stability. This year, 57 industry companies have already received 6.3 billion rubles. for the transportation of timber, including three enterprises from the Krasnoyarsk Territory, for which 1.2 billion rubles were allocated.

The meeting participants noted that the forest industry in the region, as well as throughout Russia, is now in a difficult situation: sanctions and the closure of European markets have affected. But the main foreign partners - Asian countries - are still interested in products.

Proposals made during the meeting will be submitted to the federal level. The main ones relate to state support measures at the federal level for loggers and processors of wood, including payment of rent for actual harvesting, compensation for transportation costs.