Green results - 2023: Digitalization of forests and more cities with clean air
In 2023, many important decisions were made on environmental issues both for Russia and for the world community. We have collected the main results in our post.
Digitalization of the forest
Digitalization is on the list of key trends that have influenced the timber industry over the past ten years and will continue to shape it in the coming years. In 2023, the Federal State Information System of the Forestry Complex (FSIS LC) was launched - a key digital platform that combines dozens of government services, forest register information, current data in the field of use, protection, protection and reproduction of forests, afforestation, timber accounting and its traceability, as well as transaction information.
Also in 2023, it became possible to find out all the current data about forests through a public forest map: the boundaries of forest districts, forest areas and cutting areas, information about forest roads, wood storage areas, etc.
29 cities joined the Clean Air project
The federal project to reduce emissions “Clean Air” has been implemented since 2019 in 12 cities. Its goal is to halve harmful emissions into the atmosphere by 2030 relative to 2017 levels. Last year, another 29 cities joined the project. Its main emphasis is on modernizing polluting enterprises using the best available technologies: modern filters, energy saving systems, waste management, etc. To clean the air, gasoline and diesel public transport is being replaced by trolleybuses and gas-powered buses, and private homes are being converted from coal stoves and fuel oil boiler houses for gas and centralized heating.
Climate agreement
One of the main international resolutions adopted during the UN COP-28 climate conference in Dubai was the decision to gradually phase out the use of fossil fuels. The transition must be carried out in such a way that the world reaches zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
As part of COP-28, Russia announced that by 2030 it intends to double the capacity of renewable energy sources - from 6 to 12 GW. The total share of green energy in the country will increase to 39.7% (from the current 37.8%), and the Russian Federation intends to achieve complete carbon neutrality by 2060.
Olga Kalyuzhnaya, President of the Russian Forest Association: “Over the past few years, the forestry complex has undergone significant transformation, and its comprehensive digitalization continues. In addition, work continues in the regions to convert boiler houses from fuel oil and coal to biofuel from wood waste. This also contributes to the reduction of harmful emissions into the atmosphere and contributes to the implementation of the federal Clean Air Project..